Thursday, 29 December 2011


     I prepare to upload some video making of my artwork, in purpose to paint faster.  It's not an impressive work , but I still like the color of it. I will to try make more video.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Artwork 7554 game


This time I really want to have some oil painting , but my house is repair and I don't have any place to paint , So many things I want to paint , this is one concept for an oil painting.


     I concept this shape of building in class , a house with many many window  or some thing like that , but i decided to let it be plant , old tree , But i guess i will have another concept about this shape but it's will appearance as a house , that's may look more interesting.


        This is my first 3d portrait base on real human , this is my sis . I use 3dmax, Zbrush, render with mental ray , sss material is really wonderful. I like the texture of skin , it isn't the skin of molder but i still like it , that make character look real.
       Hair is really big problem with me . that took alot of time  and i still not satisfied with it
       All Pass compose in photoshop
       Finish in febuary 2011

Old station ( the slum)

i really like this ship, i alway interested in somethings look old , ancient although they appearance in modenn, such as the lamp detail
it's quite fast and fun when i painted this pic


this is concept i did for game on this summer , but it's not use .